“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

— Helen Keller

Keeping our people safe during COVID-19 is a priority for us. Find out how we are keeping you safe. MORE

COVID-19 Policies

Building Bridges cares deeply for the people we support and for our workers. As such, we have put policies in place to ensure safety for everyone. Our policies have been created using recommendations from WorkSafe BC, Community Living BC, the provincial and federal governments, and the CDC and other health organizations. These policies are reviewed often and updated as new information is presented. All workers are now required to provide proof of vaccination or proof of exemption from the vaccine.

We are following the guidelines and recommendations put forth by WorkSafe BC as we move into Phase 3. For more information on what this looks like, you can visit WorkSafe BC.

Our COVID policies include, but are not limited to:

Limiting driving participants to a maximum of 2 participants per vehicle. Each person must wear a mask. Hand sanitizer is used before getting into the vehicle, and disinfecting is done after each individual.

Cancellation of all in person group activities and moving to Zoom events instead. As the weather improves, we may move to group meetups, limiting group size to 6 people.

Workers must mask and physically distance when possible while in the individual’s home. Workers must change clothes if visiting multiple homes in a day.

Isolation protocols are in place for people who have travelled outside of Canada, or have had visitors from outside of Canada. Remote services are offered during times of isolation.

Health checks are performed before each visit. All testing and symptoms are reported and closely monitored.

SYMPTOMS/ILLNESS – If someone has any symptoms or are sick, they are asked to:

  1. Call 811 for directions.
  2. Follow through on what 811 says.
  3. Inform participant/worker of conditions.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have symptoms and refuse to call 811 and/or take a COVID test, we will assume you have COVID and proceed accordingly – see below for details.

POSITIVE COVID TEST – If someone tests positive for COVID, they are asked to:

  1. Contact the director immediately.
  2. Contact participants/worker to let them know they have COVID. If they have been in contact with that person recently, encourage them to either get tested, or watch for symptoms.
  3. Isolate for 5 days after they have been fever free for 24 hrs, or until they are symptom free, whichever comes later. Remote service can be provided during this time.


PPE is made available to workers as needed.

If you have questions about specific policies, please call Eirene at: 250-661-5124, or email us.

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